With all do respect to cat lovers, cats are a major pain in the ass and not just Gordy.Here's a picture of Gordy.
Adorable little bastard. My list of the 5 worst things about cats:
1. They are over affectionate, No, Gordy I do not want to pet you at 3 a.m. in the morning.
2.They tend to bite the hand that feeds them. Oh, aren't you a good cat you like to be scratched behind the ear... OW!! OWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!! You little piece of ****! I'm gonna **** you up if you don't let go!!!!
3.They shed. A LOT! *Ahchoo* Mommy's gonna put you down right now *AHHCHOO* Don't come in a ten mile distance of Mommy for a while 'kay? *AHHHCHOOOO!*
4.They like to shove their ass in your face, 'Honey, what the hell is that smell?' 'I don't know. Why is your head so furry?' 'Get your ass out of my face YOU FURRY PIECE 'o' CRAP!'
5.They take up half the bed*SNORE!* *THUMP* Ow!! What the hell? Scoot over you fluffy expanding monster.
I bid you ado.^~^
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