Sunday, January 23, 2011

Playlists for those Nocturnal People

I have slowly been turning into a she-beast lately. I have found that with spring comes the six weeks of sneezing, I have started to become nocturnal do to my unnecessary need to read this one manga online, I took the SAT's (oh shit, it's late) yesterday morning, and had to read forty pages of random history crap in one night. These events have put me undoubtedly on edge and stressed out. Oh and the most important detail of what made this week a hell hole, is that I can't find my alarmclock/emergencything/CELLPHONE! I honest to god have looked everywhere where a sane person would put there phone, but it remains to be lost.

I have found it impossible to pay attention a real book with no pictures and that also has become frustrating along with my AVID's teacher's failure to meet my expectations.Ever. The high point of my week was finding out that Wizard of Oz was L. Frank Baum's outlet of the populist movement and hearing McCargo explain how a car started to blank eyed students. (Remember to update this later with awesome pictures of how my class took this information.)

(Every teacher in the world feels your pain McCargo)
Well that was my craptasmic week and here's my playlist (WARNING:It is random has no general theme or motif):
Puffy Little Shoes- Presidents Of the United States
Kitty-Presidents Of the United States (Gordy's trying to eat his own stomach again)
Just Dance- Lady Gaga (The classes have become an outlet were for an hour I don't have to think)
Swallowed by the Sea- Cold Play
Devils Dace Floor-Flogging Molly
One Day More- Les Miserables
The Theme Song to Buffy- Nerf Herder (My cell ring tone...I WANT IT BACK!)
Paint it Black- Rolling Stones
Johny I Hardly Knew Ya- Drop Kick Murphys
The Sound Of Settling- Death Cab For Cutie (Do not look up this song it never leaves your head)
Eight Days a Week, With a Little Help from My Friends-Beatles
Scorpio- The Trax
Theme song From Bamboo Beat
Mice Circus-Coraline
and the one that constantly puts me to sleep,

1 comment:

  1. Paint It Black is my favorite Rolling Stones song ever. Well, ok, it's also one of only two Rolling Stones songs I like, but still.

    Hoping you find your cell phone! And yay that the SATs are over! Do you have to take the ACTs, too?
