Sunday, August 15, 2010

4a.m. Nightmares (I think there will be a lot more posts on this topic)

I have nightmares at exactly four a.m. whenever I am stressed out. Last school year I had them weekly for six months until about a month before school ended.
They usually go like this:Have a nightmare.

Wake up, but not in cold sweat where mommy can give you hug and you can go to bed thinking about rainbow unicorns, in a rainbow unicorn land, that crap butterflies and puke cupcakes.

No you wake up in a paranoid just before the end state, where those happy unicorns are secret assassins of red and black land that are going kill you for being in their land.

When you are awake you find you can not go to sleep because the boogie man will hop out of the closet and kill you when your back is turned.So you do odd jobs around the house.
Make sure that chair rattled from the cat, NOT from someone breaking in to the house.

Look out the window checking for Freddy Kruger and other deadly serial killers.

Put a Band Aid on that toe that was giving you trouble.

Fight steaming pile o' crap your dog just laid in the other room with your mom.

Write an inconvenient blog post on what you do at four a.m. in the morning.

Then when the sun comes up you find that all the weird paranoid crap washes away into exhaustion. Then you finally sleep.

And turn into a stark raving bitch from sleep deprivation the later that day.


  1. Fighting dog crap was never so much fun...

  2. Love your blog! Great illustrations. More, more!

  3. love the pic`s. And I know those dreams..

  4. Been there! Well, minus the dog poo.

    You cartoon kitty is so. darn. cute.

  5. That paints a pretty clear picture :-) Great blog

  6. THANKS!! I appreciate all of this. My ego is starting to rival my mothers :D
