Friday, August 27, 2010

Some Technical Difficulties

I swear to the goddess that I will post more then this, and maybe better post when school gets a little less hectic.
(Whew! That's out of the way were was I...? Oh! Yeah!) I have this serious problem with homework especially on the weekends and it begins like this.
I am a crazed animal who needs to do homework to live and lives to do homework.

I act nuts and for ten to twenty minutes it looks like I actually want more than a "B" in a class.

Then I cool down a bit after setting up homework station.
Then contemplate why I need to do homework right away after a "hard" day of school.
And end up leaving to laze about the house.

I sleep in weird positions on the arm chair.

Eat WAAAAAAY too much crap. (Will fix now that I admitted it on the blog)

Or stare at the T.V. with little to no interest.

When I get to my home work there are usually distractions.

So I end up doing homework at god-awful-a.m.

When I do my homework at whatever-a.m. I am really tired have no idea what is going on and often try to kill whoever tries to speak to me with my Medusa like skills.

Never ends well.


  1. That last picture is making me SO TIRED....

  2. If you ever figure out how to make that last thing work for real... let me know...
