Friday, August 13, 2010

Schedule: How I Might Die This Year

Wednesday I got my schedule for school. I was pretty Excited too, I usually don't remember what I picked for my classes until I get my schedule.

I took one look at my schedule and thought...

Then I looked once more and my head exploded.

I had 5 core classes not including AVID. Two AP and Honors classes and Two sciences combined with Pre-Calculus (which was the only class I had expected to get.)

Then I had to show my schedule to my mom.

I gave it to her than ran to my room like a bat out of hell. I heard this: "This is is pretty good...WHAT THE HELL? PHYSIOLOGY?...and...PRECAL? How'd that happen. Twinky you're right you're schedule is insane."
Later when I showed her my books she said "Forklift?" All my books weigh ten to fifteen pounds each and there are five so school should be my entire life this year (Or until I get a schedule change.)


  1. Good grief, you're going to need a rolling cart to lug those books around!

    Sadly, I put calculus off until my very last quarter of college, which was a shame, because I lurved it and it was fun and easy. D'oh.

    So, is your mom's hand still purple?! ;)

  2. Nope! Purple all gone! But I didn't say "Forklift!" I actually said what you said... "Do daddy and I need to get you a rolling cart?" (Forklift? Would have been SO much better!)

  3. Just let her know that since forklifts are so expensive, you will settle for an iPad and digital copies of the books. That would be much much lighter..
